Still Snowing!

Friday, 5 April 2013

I'm getting really annoyed with the British 'summertime'. Sunday marked the official beginning of summer yet all I have seen is rain, wind and snow. I'm getting fed up! I'm dying to wear cropped trousers and t-shirts. Hurry up sun shine!
This is a look from the other day. I was heading out for a trip with my grandparents who made me (reluctantly) wear a scarf which did not go at all and thus, did not make it into these pictures.
Hope everyone is having a great week!

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Jacket: Warehouse, blouse: New Look, Sweater: H&M, Shoes: Topshop, Hat: Vintage, Jeans: Topshop I've been feeling a little under the weather and haven't had a lot of sleep so forgive the tired eyes!
Have a lovely weekend!
Lucy x


  1. Fab outfit m'dear, love your leather jacket! x

  2. You look so chic!! Love the jacket and the color of the pants :)

    Would you like to follow each other on GFC/Bloglovin?

    Sophisticated Lace

  3. Cool look! Love your hat! Suits you :)

  4. Great outfit, you look fantastic! I'm so tired of the cold weather too!!! Summer you better hurry up! :(

    P.S Enter my giveaway and win a $100 voucher free to spend!

  5. I laughed at your grandparents making you wear a scarf, how adorable is that!? Bless them. Love everything about this outfit, perfectly styled. :)

  6. Lovely jacket....It ROCKSSSSSSS <3

  7. Love this jacket especially the padding on the sleeves! Just began following you there and can't wait for your next posts! Keep it up!
    Jenny xo


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